Monday, February 28, 2011

TopCoder, Inc. 2001-2011

TopCoder, Inc is 10 years this year!

I'm willing to bet this year's TCO come September 25 - 28, 2011 will be really awesome! They are ditching Las Vegas, Nevada as the traditional venue for TCO finals this year in favor of Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Another significant milestone is the number of SRMs: TopCoder's 500th SRM will come up on Saturday March 19, 2011.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Informix Tips

Informix command-line tips:

: ensures any client can correctly connect to the server (see: UNIX setup guide)

: starts the server

onmode -ky
: kills the server

onstat -
: display server online status

oncheck -pr
: displays detailed status including dataspace info

onstat -g env all
: displays database server start-up environment settings

cd /opt/IBM/informix
mkdir dbspaces
cd dbspaces
touch chunk1
chmod 660 chunk1
onspaces -c -d datadbs -p /opt/IBM/informix/dbspaces/chunk1 -o 0 -s 204800

will create a data space named chunk1 with size 204800 but will give a warning message like below which you can ignore.

Verifying physical disk space, please wait ...
Space successfully added.

** WARNING ** A level 0 archive of Root DBSpace will need to be done.

UPDATE: Here's a useful IBM article on Informix usage: