Monday, October 19, 2009

Upgrading Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) Subversion from 1.4.6 to 1.6

I am working on a project where I needed to update the current code to the latest via:
svn update
but instead encountered this error: "svn: This client is too old to work with working copy '.'; please get a newer Subversion client".

It seemed that my svn client which Ubuntu 8.04 claimed to be the most recent version is actually an old hag. I had to do more than a handful of Google queries to finally land the instructions I needed to get this to work.

Hop on over to click on "Technical details about this PPA" and choose your Ubuntu version in the select list that appears.

Add the entry "deb hardy main" to your sources.list via:

echo "deb hardy main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

You might need to perform that action while logged in as root (sudo -s) or by prefixing the command with sudo" or you'll get a "permission denied".

Once you are done, perform:

sudo apt-get update

apt-get install subversion
which should list your subversion libraries/client as marked for upgrading.



  1. Excellent post and hugely helpful! This helped me solve my problem, so thanks very much!

    One thing to add: if you access your svn repository through Apache (I use Apache 2.2), you'll need to restart the server. Assuming you manage your Apache binaries with apt-get, the appropriate modules should get installed. And assuming you already had svn working through Apache, the configuration will be updated. It just takes a nice kick of the server to get these picked up and get things humming again.

  2. I'm glad my post helped you in some way :)

    On my Ubuntu machine (8.04), the apache binaries do get restarted once apt-get completes the installation.

  3. I've spent days trying to get this upgraded. It finally worked with your suggestions!

    Thank you!

  4. Thank you so much. Just to add I needed instructions for adding the PPA key before I could run 'apt-get update' - see

  5. Thanks for the tip Anonymous!
